Should I send this?

I want to text you but either way you're not going to respond but here it goes, I know you hate me now, I wish I could change things, i'm sorry I was a horrible girlfriend, I wish I could have been want you wanted but I was too hurt at the time and still am (I go through so much at home I try to hold it in and be strong but sometimes I can’t), I wish I could have met you earlier so I would have gave you my all but I can't change that, I really wish I could, i'm sorry all I can tell you is that i'm really sorry, I know you don't love me anymore and you will never want to be with me again but I would love to have our relationship back, I would love to prove that I can be the best girlfriend ever, I want you to be my husband, I want you to be the father to my children, I know that isn't going to happen but I really want it, I really am sorry for everything, I just hate the way things are between us, I really do love you, everything I said to you is how I really felt, I really wanted (and still do want) what we planned and I will do wish you can give me a chance to prove to you that I can be the woman you always wanted, I still the half of the heart and the promise ring,

I’m not done, I still want to add to this but what should I add? I will want this to work and everything but I don’t think it is but it’s worth a shot, I will update

UPDATE- we broke up on September 6, I just want him back, we live on the opposite side of town