HElp please x


Hey ladies,

I’m 14 almost 15 and the other night I almost lost my virginity... but we didn’t have protection so I asked him if we could wait, but I’m worried it was too late, he had already cum outside of me but he had his dick *almost* in me like practically inside before I asked to stop... I’m genuinely worried that his cum went inside me and I’m pregnant...

I’ll go get a test some time next week to check, but if I am, I don’t know what to do.

My mum and dad are very ANTISEX so if I told them I was pregnant they’d probably kick me out of home. And the possible father is a bit of a dick and I doubt he’d do anything to help.

However there’s no way I’d be able to abort a child. It’s just not something I could do, so I’d either have to keep it or put it up for adoption... or to avoid problems all together I’ll kill myself...

I really don’t know what to do, and there aren’t really any people I could go to for help...

I’ve only had a few symptoms including; nausea, weird discharge, needing to pee a lot, “glowy” skin, and just feeling kinda shot, in general....

Sorry for such a long entry but I’m really worried.

Also, I’d really appreciate if people would refrain from calling me names or trying to hurt my feelings, I get humiliated in other ways more than enough.

Thank you to anyone who replies, even just some support would be nice x