Is this baby going to be a September baby?


So for the last week I've been experiencing all sorts of symptoms, this is my first pregnancy and I'm currently 35 weeks and 7 days, instead of going through them day by day I'll just list them

🌸 Hip Ache

🌸 Back Ache

🌸 Waves of Nausea and Light Headed

🌸 B/Hicks all day, some rather painful but still irregular

🌸 Clear Discharge

🌸 Loss of Appatite

🌸 Little bits of mucus but nothing big

🌸 Cramping feelings

🌸 Emotional Reck

🌸 Feeling my little one moving alot lower down than before

🌸 Not able to settle

I have spoken to my doctor and he said my fluid level is fine and there happy for her to come anytime, but didn't really say anything else. Is all this just the glamour that is the third trimester or is she going to make an early appearance?