Can you see “gender” at 11 weeks?

Candace • Wife ❤️ Girl Mom❤️🐶 mom

We went for my 11week 2day Appointment yesterday. I have a cyst on my ovary so I am getting ultrasounds at every appointment to monitor it (so far no growth). At yesterday’s appointment I asked the US tech if we could look at the baby and she said yes! Then she flipped it to 3D and asked if we wanted to know the gender, we said yes not thinking you could tell at 11 weeks. She immediately said “you’re having a boy” and showed us some pretty convincing images lol. She said she has been doing this for 30 years and people always ask for her opinion and she wouldn’t have told us if she wasn’t sure... so my question... can you tell at 11 weeks? Should I get excited??? We really want a boy 😬😬😬