Any nurses in here?? Quick question.

Jaclyn • Realtor. Wifey. Lucky Lady.

Hi all, I just started a diet (better food choices) and fitness program (Beachbody on demand). Over the past 2.5 years, I have gained 60+ pounds.

Eating healthier the past week (many salads for lunch AND dinner) i have gained 3 pounds this week (yes I have still had some slip ups but... seriously?! I’m doing cardio, not weight training😩)

My question is this... my mom told me that I must have a good 10 lbs of water weight, and recommended that I take one of her prescriptions which is a water pill/Lasix. It is called fuerosemidide. (?)

I really want to take this water pill to get rid of any water weight that I may have, but with it being a prescription, I’m a little iffy. At the same time, it’s just a water pill/lasix. What harm could it do?? Any thoughts?? Should I take it??