should i ask him to hang out?!?!?

okay so me and my friends went to a high school football game (we’re still in jr high btw) and one of my friends bf was with a group of friends and one of the guys was really freaking cute and i really wanted to ask him for his number or something right and i was too shy to ask him myself and one of my other friends noticed that we were talking and what not and she asked me if i needed help getting his number since she’s known him for a while and i just met him and i said yes so she got me his number and we’ve been texting very frequently and he’s said he likes me and what not but i wanna ask him to hang out he also plays football on the same team as some of my school friends and i asked some of my friends that always go if i can join so i can see him and spend time with my friends but i don’t just want to go and seem like a stalker like i wanna see if he is okay with me going and talking to him and then hanging out after wards like maybe going for some froyo or just hanging or at the park but i also am way too shy for that but really want to hang out with him and talk but i’m not sure how to bring it up so any tips?