

My little girl will be 5 weeks old in 2 days. I've been having.the hardest time.with her to get her to take naps and when I get her to sleep, she wakes up too soon.

How long does your little one stay up before being put back down for a nap?

I've been trying to get her down after 1 hour of being up. I make sure she's clean, fed, swaddled, and has her paci if she wants it. I put her in her swing.

It takes her anywhere from 5-20 min. To fall asleep (sometimes I have to give her paci back to her or shh her.) And she usually wakes back up after 20-45 min.

Sometimes she will go back to sleep for another 30, sometimes she won't so I just let her get back up.

I'm a ftm... I really dont know what to do. Everyone tells you something different and everything you read it's something different.

My pediatrician told me to let her cry for 30 min- 2 hours. I can not do that.

I should add, she sleeps great at night. Is sleep every night by 7-730 and sleeps for 6-8 hours before being fed and going back down for another 2-3 hours. So no complaints there.

I just don't want her to be so tired and fussy during the day.