Static growth 😭


So I went for my routine 35W midwife appointment today and she measured my tummy and immediately booked me in for a growth scan. I’ve always been above (as shown in the picture) but literally baby has had no growth for 2 whole weeks 😭

I also have low blood platelets, they’re higher than they were but still below the normal 150, so I’m panicking that theres a link (reading up on google is baaad). So she says baby hasn’t grown since last time and she’s just ruling anything else out by sending us for a scan. I called my partner right away as I was in a bit of a mess, then called Work. Supposed to be going on Mat leave as of tomorrow but seeing the state I was in they’ve let me go early. Anyone else had this?? Sooo nervous but excited to see my little girl again on the scan tomorrow 🙏🏻💗