Timing sucks...


With cycle timing, work schedules, and RE appt availability, timing sucks. I was not able to be seen by the RE this cycle, so I will be unmedicated. No Actos. No Letrazole. No u/s.

I have no idea what my odds are this cycle. I've got OPKs and PreSeed to rely on. The past 3 cycles have been medicated with Letrazole... I'm hoping that it helped to jump start/regulate my ovaries this cycle. I'm not sure when to expect O to occur. Previous medicated cycles were 33 days, 34 days, and last was 29 days.

I did use an OPK today, CD5. Negative (expected) but the test line was darker than I expected it to be... usually don't have that dark until about CD9.

What else can I do/take to increase my chances???