UPDATE Hubby and I having a dry spell

Okay so it’s been weird the past week sexually or so and I am hoping since he went on a business trip it will help us get of this dry spell. And the weirdest part is we both want to so bad but our bodies are going thru the dry spell, like I’ll be horny and want but can’t get wet or aroused but all I want to do is touch him and be with him sexually. And same for him he can get his cock hard but only for a few minutes. It’s like both our bodies are working against us. And it sucks cause our sex is fucking amazing and I am craving it but our damn bodies are working against us has anyone had anything like this happen to them ? How did you fix it? Also our relationship is perfect we haven’t had any problems and me and him are just laughing it off like fine whatever we have managed to masturbate together just to get off but all I want to do is some good old fashion sex and can’t ! 😩

UPDATE: so hubby came back home from

His quick business trip and came

Back with these sex chocolates ;)and let me tell you, had me like niagra falls and

Him hard as a rock just what we needed to miss each other and some horny goat weed chocolate 😂