Ladies, I need help choosing my doctor.

I'm 23 weeks pregnant and have been seeing the same obgyn since before I was pregnant. I was previously using just one form of health insurance but am now using tricare as well since my husband joined the military. Now, I can either continue seeing my current obgyn but she only accepts one of my insurances, and I will need to pay $1,500 before I deliver, but I don't know if I will even be delivering with her since I might move before baby is born. This fee is non-negotiable and it doesn't matter that I don't know whether she will even deliver my baby (whole thing seems fishy) OR I can start going to the military hospital an hour away for my appointments and delivery (if I don't move before that). If I do this, I will pay almost nothing for my care. I'm conflicted because I like my current doctor and the hospital is 10 minutes away, but I will pay a lot more to see her. My other option is to have a doctor who I pay nothing for, an hour away. Idk what to do and I can't even discuss it with my husband.