
So I had a couple people just up and tell me I am pregnant. Here I am feeling what I thought was just nausea but what they said had made sense. I’ve been pregnant several times but MC’d numerous times out of those since 2013. I had one full term in 2014 and my most recent MC was lost August 12. Then this happens. So I take three tests but there’s only two shown due to throwing the first one out. They both say NOT pregnant. Out of these two for clarity the pink one was the first of the two. The first one was a clear blue test and there was a faint second line but I thought nothing of it. I then took these in order of shown. Both negative and not a faint line at all on the first of the two. We’ve been trying for months but my husband is seemingly all too quick to pull out now that I’ve lost one of his own. He doesn’t want kids since he blames the last MC on me.. but we have the financial stability to do it. What do we do? I want kids but I’m scared too. And I don’t know if these HPTs aren’t saying yes I am because of HCG levels or something else. Thoughts? I know it says I’m Not Pregnant. I was just looking for advice.