Bottle fed won't eat much &..

My 10 day old is bottle fed. These past two days, he's been eating only 1 & a half ounces every 3-4 hours. Sometimes he'll eat the 2 every 3 or 4 hours (mostly at night) and sometimes he even did 1oz every hour or hour and a half during the day. Except today, he did eat his 2 ounces since last night and earlier today every 3 hours. Then he stopped and went back to 1 & a half. He won't really burp at times and sometimes he'll have a lot of spit up. I have a hard time burping him and getting him to eat when he doesn't get his 2oz. He's on similac advance pro and I feed him with Dr. Brown's bottles that are supposed to help with colic and gas and stuff. Is any of this normal? I'm really worried. He's been having regular wet diapers and dirty ones too. He mostly poops every time he eats. Is this what cluster feeding is? Do bottle fed babies cluster feed like this? Has anyone's baby done this? I'm beginning to freak out and I haven't slept due to keeping an eye on him. He doesn't have his two week checkup until the 26th and it's Friday, so I'll have to wait until Monday to call them and see what they say. He's just been sleeping. He was awake earlier for a bit and he tends to wake up at night and be awake for a while.