To be or not to be ..

Hey guys , i’ve known this guy for about 3 years and he’s always had an attraction towards me or as he say’s he’s always felt “ love for me “ since the day we started talking . Anyway a year ago I decided to get together with him as i thought he’s the marriage material guy , he was perfect in every single way possible. He treated me right he loved me he would do anything in the world to make me happy ! Yet , my problem is that i dont feel the same back , i dont get sparks when kissing or getting physical at all . It feels like a chore to me . In my previous relationship i loved being physical and touchy - feely . Thats what makes me so unsure . I recently broke up with this guy , as i thought to myself i cant force love . I do love him im just not IN LOVE with him. Its been a month and a while since the breakup and I haven’t really felt any emotion. My friends and family all tell me to not lose this guy , as he would make a great husband and family , due to his love and generosity. I cant make up my mind you guys , i do really enjoy being with this guy , but all the lovey - dovey stuff with him just doesn’t seem right .. i do enjoy being with him and going out and talking and doing activities, but i just dont feel the love . My older sister said love comes with time , and you will end up loving him when you guys live together and get married, since you two do have a connection and bond , im just so not sure how to feel about this situation. Help guys .. i dont want the situation to go on longer to the extent of where getting him back would be impossible