
My thoughts are going to slowly kill me...Ive spoke about my ex and whatnot but there are a few updates:

1. Me and sis work at the same job

2.I havent seen him in 2 months and some weeks (moving forward)

3.She asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding...and I said yes

Now I do have a love life..and we recently decided to actually start dating...but than I felt bad and told him about the wedding...he is obviously upset because he believes im not ready for a relationship because the wedding is a excuse to be around my ex (WHICH IT ISNT)..she asked me in front of our coworkers...and I was in a tight spot (this was before me and my future relationship decided to try us out)...so he is upset and idk wtf to cuz I like him..abd i dont want my ex holding me back over something thats not about him...

update: I cancelled...many reasons...but mainly because I need to step away from the ex who destroyed me and made me hurt down to the bone...I wont go for my present and future