A part of me feels wrong for it, but I still want to go out.


For some weird reason I wanna go out, & get drunk 🤔 .....but there’s the fun fact that I’m six months pregnant with my first child.

Before I got pregnant I used to be out having fun, smoking weed almost everyday, and getting drunk every now and again on the weekends. Now that I’m pregnant, all that has stopped. I knew it was going to have to stop the second I saw the little blue ➕ come up on the pregnancy test...but I still miss it. I’m only 22 🤷🏾‍♀️ what can I say? But I feel like I’m wrong for even thinking this way. I understand fully that it’s no longer just me I have to worry about and I have to make a TON of sacrifices, but I can’t help but to think of what I’d be doing right now if I wasn’t pregnant. Seeing all my friends and my child’s father on their Snapchat and IG stories posting going out and having parties with hella bottles of all the alcohol you can think of, getting high etc, just makes me miss it even more. But no matter how much I miss it, I love my son more and it’s sinking in more and more the closer I get to my due date that he’s going to change my life for forever, there’s no going back. And I have to make better decisions for him. I can go out every once in a blue moon, but not like how I used to. Am I wrong for thinking like this? Or is it completely normal? Certain family members make me feel like I’m wrong for even wanting to still do these things after I give birth, but just because I have a child now, that means I have to stop being myself???