I'm a commie liberal?


My fiance is driving me nuts, he comes from a very conservative family while I come from a liberal one. Today I was watching a vedio that was about the elderly in China and how the elderly seem to live their life to the fullest until they die where in other places around the world once they reach a certain age they sort of just wait around to die. My fiance was listening in and said "ya and their the reason that the earth is over populated. And I'm just like What?

One thing has absolutely nothing to do with the other, he said that the guy talking in the vedio is just trying to say that China is better than America. He never said anything about America, he said living in China is just very different then the rest of the WORLD, so I said that to which he said that "well I live with a commie so of course you believe whatever he says" I said I'm not a commie, he said "No you're a commie liberal"

I said "and i live with a conservitive asshole" his responce? "At least i make money"

Ever since I've joined his family it's been a constant stream of "you're a liberal you wouldn't understand" " you just think that because you're a liberal" "shut up you liberal" I'm getting to the end of my rope with this shit. And yes he makes the money and I'm a SAHM but he let me be a SAHM, we worked out all of our finances so that I could be in this tough economy and he constantly uses this against me

he's normally a great guy, today he's just being an ass for no reason, maybe if he didn't stay up till 4am playing his x-box he would've gotten some sleep and would be in a better mood. He complains that he's tired because he works 40 hours a week but then stays up all night playing his game... rant over