Do I stay or do I leave? so unsure☹️

I’m so unsure weather to end it or live with it and deal with the constant sadness. I’ve been with my boyfriend for nearly 2 years and I love him more than anything, and I couldn’t imagine a life with out him. But I’m starting to feel so unhappy, we both work. But he has so many other things, he works, goes to uni and plays footballs and goes to training, and sees his friends. and his work always make him work and mess him around but he won’t grow some balls and stand up for him self. I support and proud of him but I can’t take it anymore, he’s constantly letting me down. He lives 10 minutes away and I see him twice a week if it’s a good week and then those 2 nights I finish work and spend hours cooking his dinner. But he always says something, says he’ll see me or do something for me and then he always lets me down. Something to do with work or something else. He never books days off for me, but happily books the time off for boys holidays with his mates. We can never plan anything do anything cause he’s so busy. I ask him to special events, says yes and promises and then let’s me down the day before. I know things are hard but I feel like it’s easy for him to let me down now. Also the tiny things he lets me down on too, when he went on a boys night out he promised to text me when he was in or something to let me know he’s okay ect or drunk text, he was out till 5am and never text once and said he forgot and was tired. Took him 6 months to post a picture of us on social media that HE told me he was doing. And now he’s so busy I feel like the last priority, like he picks me up when it suits his life. I know it’s hard for him too but I wish he just acted abit more like I mattered. He constantly apologises and says he’ll make it work but it’s been like it for a year and all I expect is disappointment now. I know I should be there no matter what, but I’m feeling so upset and fed up now. That it’s making me miserable