Where my fellow troll women at?!


Anyone who says pregnancy makes you into a beautiful, glowing queen is a damn liar who cannot be trusted.

Below, you will find examples of yours truly pre pregnancy and 23 weeks in.

Both are unfiltered and unedited, hell I’m even wearing the same shirt.

Of course there is something to be said about angles and lighting but y’all. Come now. I look like I was recently cursed by a witch. Or I developed a weird face disease. And this does not even show you how totally weird my body looks right now.

If you are feeling gross and ugly in your pregnancy, you are not alone. Not everyone is blessed to be adorable throughout the process.

And once we pop these sweet angels out of us, we will morph back into our cute selves and we will breathe a collective sigh of relief.

Godspeed my pregnant troll sisters. Love forever.