I really need some support/advice 😔

Here’s some back story & details first

My boyfriend and I are 12 years apart (him being older). I am 21 weeks pregnant with our second boy and we currently have a 9 month old son. He has a 10 year old son from a previous marriage that ended a long time ago due to ‘differences’. We had met two years ago while working together and we moved across the country together where we have no friends or family.

As the relationship progressed over time, I quickly learned a lot about him, his family and his previous relationship. Because as we know, the truth always presents itself.

His dad has always been a physical and emotional abuser to all women in his life he has ever been with romantically. He is a narcissist and he cannot commit to anything (jobs, people, where he lives, etc). This has taken a toll on my boyfriend and his sister who i have learned are both abusive. My boyfriend’s last marriage had ended because he was emotionally abusive and It only got worse so his ex left. But originally his story was that he didn’t love her anymore and wanted out. But really she was the one who filed for divorce and left.

I learned he got into cocaine after that separation and was addicted for a long time until right before we met. He also never saw his now 10 year old son for about 6 years!! He just went around messing with girls, drugs and being single. He moved to California (where we met) and he seemed so charming at first.

Now here we are. It took me too long unfortunately to figure all of this out. It seemed like my dream relationship, and it’s just the opposite. I am young, but I shouldn’t have been so gullible. My family tried to warn me, and they have tried to get me out and to go home.. but i didn’t listen.

So unfortunately now here I am.. still being emotionally abused and now in front of our son and while pregnant. I am across the country from everyone I know and I just wish I would have listened. I feel so broken down, alone and trapped. I don’t know where to start I’m leaving. Now I don’t have a car anymore, I don’t have a job because we have no one to watch our child who is trustworthy or affordable, and he has taken any money I did get or had. He has really destroyed me in every way possible.

It’s so hard for me to not feel so low. And he keeps telling me if I leave that no man will ever want to deal with the mess that I am and want to be with someone with two young boys who is starting their life over.

I don’t know what to do from here, but I really just want to leave and find happiness elsewhere. I am so scared of being a single mom, but I also don’t want my boys to ever treat me or any other woman this way.

Any advice is appreciated... please be kind.