First IUI doubts

JEN • Married 12/31/11 TTC since 1/1/12. We suffered a mc 12/23/14 :( started 2015 we did injections, still BFN, did 1 IUI BFN finally moved to IVF (long lupron protcol) in Sept. BFP! EDD 07/17/16
We did our first <a href="">IUI</a> on Sunday (day 14) and everyone is really hopeful. Hubs sperm count was 51 million with 100 mobility post wash, but I had a 14mm and possibly a 25mm follicle when I triggered (day 13) however the 25 would have been a cyst since it was 13mm on day 12. I felt myself ovulate Saturday night, usually the trigger shot doesn't make me o for 36 hours this time it was 12. I'm just not very hopeful cause the 14mm follicle and the dr saying it was a 20-30% chance. Has anyone got pregnant from a small follicle?