Please don’t judge!

Heather • 🤰🏼👶🏼 Expecting baby #1 05/19!

I am looking for advice from people who have been in my shoes! I am getting SO much contradicting information from different people, different doctors, the internet ect.

I am between 6-8 weeks pregnant with my first. I have an ultrasound on Tuesday to confirm how far along I am & get a due date! However I used to have a substance abuse problem & currently take 4mg of Suboxone daily. I have heard multiple things from multiple people about this. Theory #1. It is safer to take subutex rather than Suboxone during pregnancy. #2. You should taper off the meds slowly to prevent withdrawals for baby (THIS IS MY FAVORITE OPTION) #3 you should stay on a low dose so baby doesn’t withdraw in uterus & can be medically assisted after birth (LEAST FAVORED OPTION, can’t watch my baby go through that) #4 Stop completely immediately, baby won’t withdraw too bad (ISNT THAT RISKY IN 1st TRIMESTER?) #5 taper or stop in weeks 13-32 when there are less likely to be complications

I try to do everything the way it should be after all this isn’t about me anymore. I am thrilled to be expecting but I am so nervous I will take the wrong advice & cause complications or miscarriage. I am scared.

I am looking for advice from mother who have went through this. Who found out they were pregnant while on Suboxone or subutex & weather they stayed on the same dose, tapered down, tapered off or stopped cold turkey? I am also wondering the outcome of your decision. Was the baby okay? Did the baby withdraw after birth? Did you have to stay in the hospital longer?

^ clearly I am stuck between a couple of these but with so much information it’s hard to know what’s right so please, even if your baby showed signs of withdrawal I am not asking so I can judge you! I commend you for being able to make a decision on your own because this is hard!