Please help.. ...i'm losing my mind

Amanda • FTM to Niklaus Eli 💚 Now second baby is on the way 💚💚 Due July 25th, 2023

I live in Orlando, florida and don't have any friends nearby. I'm from ohio and have only made a few friends but they live an hour away. I have a universal and disney pass but have no one to gi with besides my family. I go to disney with just the baby sometimes. He is almost 9 months old and it is so hard to find things ti do with him. He gets bored so quickly and can't walk or anything yet. I am so bored and have no one to talk to and nothing to do. My boyfriend is stuck in ohio rifht now for at least another month(it's already been 2). Someone please help. Give me things to do. Ideas. Anything. In desperate.