Back pain

Christel 💋 • Married 10/14/2017♥️ Mommy to Jace 11/25/2018💙💚

I am 25weeks 4 days today and my back has been killing me. The only time is stops in when I am in the tub with warm/hot water. Not too hot.

I have been working 10 hr shifta the last 3 days. On my feet constantly. Lifting 25-30lb two and three year olds all day.

I am honestly just ready to drop to the floor and give up. I am in bed right now and had my sister(husband is working out of town) put biofreeze all over my back, so i can sleep.

My cousin gave me two pregnancy belts, will those help me ? I just want to cry from the pain.

What else can i do?

Oh and Tylenol doesnt help.