Does anyone else just fucking hate their husband? Maybe hormonal but fuck 😡


I seriously am just so fed up with his bullshit. He literally doesn’t listen to or remember a god damn word I tell him!! Im currently 17wks pregnant and we have been trying to plan this gender reveal for our families. It’s like he can’t communicate with me what he actually wants and just agrees with what I say and then later argues with me about what he fucking agreed to. He wants to do the tanerite reveal when he shoots the box and it explodes with chalk. Well it was getting to be a hassle to get everyone to the location which is far. So I changed it to do a small party reveal at my moms house and then we could do the tanerite together, which he also was okay with at the time. He agreed to do it at a local range and is now pissed because he “never” agreed to that. He’s also mad that I am now making this all about ME and my family yet he wasn’t inviting ANYONE!! I’m just so fucking annoyed with him because this is literally all of our fucking arguments about he said she said when he doesn’t fucking remember SHIT!