Is baby trying to come already???

I’m 29 weeks pregnant with my second babygirl , I went overdue with her sister & had no complications. I’ve noticed with this pregnancy I started seeing things sooner than my first , like my hip pain , swelling , Heartburn & BRAXTON HICKS, I was told if you have 4 or more Braxton Hicks in an hour to go to l&d, but I had an appointment with my ob this Morning & he didn’t seem concerned. I don’t think it’s normal to have as many as I’m having , and they aren’t painless , they feel like period cramps, also I have severe back pain everyday , so I’m not sure if the contractions are causing it, or if its just the normal. When should I go to the hospital, is there anything I can try? To possibly make them go away, so I know if they’re the real thing. I have not been yet , because everytime I go in I sit there for 3 hours , to be sent home after 5 min of being in a room.