stretch mark meltdown


I didn’t get stretch marks on my stomach with my first son, who just turned two. I also haven’t seen any this time so i thought I was in the clear...until last night when I laid down with my stomach uncovered and my fiancé goes “damn babe your tummy just looks like it hurts.” I was immediately like “well yeah it really does” and then i was like “wait, what?!” He took a picture and I lost it. 😭 I am very body positive, I know stretch marks can happen, I know my body will change with each baby but HOLY SHIT. This baby and I both were measuring 3 weeks ahead at my 30 week appointment, I’m now 32 weeks. I am also the heaviest that I have EVER been. I did gain almost 60 with my first and have only gained 50 so far with this one, but I was heavier than what I started off at the last time too. Just feeling so ready for November it’s not even funny 😪😪😅