My husband wants to quit trying...


My husband and I have been married 13 years. We have two beautiful children, a daughter Natalie, who was conceived through <a href="">IUI</a> and my son Jacob, who was a complete surprise. I know as a woman with PCOS, I’m extremely lucky to have two kids. But my body, my hormones, my whatever you want to call it cry out for one more. One last experience of pregnancy and having that tiny little bundle...

My husband was all for it. Knowing that I hate that my kids don’t have the big extended family I had, he agreed that adding one more could help fill that small void left. But then, my son was diagnosed with autism.. He is high functioning and only three, so his prognosis for a “normal” life is good. But he is quite the handful and well below others his age in development.

So now my husband wants to stop trying. He feels a baby would take away from Jake and his extra care. My husband also feels it would be too much for himself to handle. He is currently a stay at home Dad. But I only work 3 days a week most weeks. What he doesn’t understand is that I can’t just shut off that desire for one more. It’s an emotional, hormone filled decision. I understand his view points and their reasonings. But it puts me in a panic to think I can’t have one more.

Has anyone else had this experience? I know many of us TTC, especially those who have not be blessed with one can’t just shut down our feelings. I feel it’s something men can’t quite understand.,