Toxic coworkers?

Idk if this is a thing. But if it is the people I work with are it. I’m the youngest in my office. There is a lady I work closely with who is 46. She has her good days and bad days like we all do. But she’s the type of person who does no wrong. Just an example she “accidentally” ate my food before because they were the same containers as hers. Her response to me was that I should’ve labeled it. Anyway, we had to hatch out an argument today because we haven’t been talking. I got up the nerve to straight up ask her if she’s mad at me. She says no she thought I was mad at her. Which is crazy because I’ve been trying to start conversation all week and I get nothing in return. She makes comments about my personality like I don’t already know that I have a strong personality. She just blamed me for everything when she’s the one who excluded herself. She just made me feel really bad about myself and the conversation made me feel worse. I’m thinking about just distancing myself from her altogether. It’s mentally exhausting working with significantly older people and I have to be the mature one every time to try to fix it