Need a little hope


I'm 26 and was diagnosed at 21. At the time I was over 300 lbs and am now way down from there. I have pernicious anemia (decrease in red blood cells because my intestines and stomach can't absorb b12, I've read some links between pernicious anemia and fertility). I also have vitiligo and mental health issues.

I have an 8 year old son who I conceive naturally while taking medication for a yeast infection that counteracted my birth control. Since then I have had 2 miscarriages. One at 13 weeks when I was 22 and another at 6 weeks when I was 25.

I want so desperately to have another child. I don't know what kind of PCOS I have. I have chin hairs for days, my cycles can be sporadic, periods are heavy and painful, I don't know if I ovulate. I just started with opks (easy @ home brand off Amazon) this month and I seemed to have ovulated, I'm still testing and decided to until my period show up or until it's "late." I had an LH spike on CD15 (Sept 25, funny my son's birthday) with a decline since.

I'm so hopeful but I'm also trying not to get excited either because I know getting pregnant is one thing but staying pregnant is another.

I'm seeing an accupuncturist who specializes only in fertility on the 5th and I'm so excited. Any sort of success stories would be appreciated.