God some guys just don’t have hearts. It’s annoying 🙄


So I said this to a guy that constantly treats me like shit. I felt bad for him because we used to be close friends and he just changed and I would never try to hurt him but he does it to me. He’s obviously not right for me. God I hate when guys are total assholes with no god damn heart.

Okay this is the only thing I’m ever gonna say to you bc I realize that you’re fucking irrelevant. I should have known you’d treat like shit. You’re unbelievable. I’ve known you for a long time and looking back you never treated me well. You’ve done so many horrible things to me and you have never realized that. One time you had a full conversation with me and then told me you thought I was a different girl. It’s fucked up. I’m pretty sure I get the point now jimmy. You really don’t give a shit. Maybe I tried to see the good in you thinking oh this person is one of my friends. I’ve never once done anything to hurt you and you constantly put me down. You’re a fucking asshole. You tell me you haven’t had a relationship in a while... maybe it’s because you don’t know how to treat a girl😂. I feel like I have higher standards and talking to you makes me feel like I’m talking to someone that’s so below me. I try to be nice and understanding to you. You only want to fuck me to see if im good enough for you and tell me all this bullshit on why😂 honestly im so sick and tired of being nice I’m just dropping you completely. I don’t ever want to hear from you again. I’m on my way to become a doctor. You’re on your way to smoke in your moms basement for the rest of your life lmao. I kinda see you as the type of guy living at his moms house at age 40😂😂😂. I could have anyone and still be more successful than you. Good Luck trying to find a girl because Ik you’re gonna go for the girls with low standards and fuck them and end up dropping them. I would never be one of those people. I definitely know better. Going with you would be hell on earth. The fact that you can disrespect me constantly just shows me you ain’t shit. The FUNNY thing is you really don’t know me jimmy😂 you think you do. YOU aren’t good enough for me. That’s why I don’t wanna have sex with you. I would be bored. You don’t turn me on😂 there were times I just wanted to punch you in the face. Yeah remember when you sexually assaulted me after I told you no constantly. I could have went to the police. My ex boyfriend was going to go to the police for me. He demanded all of your information and I had to beg him not to because I couldn’t deal with my self if I destroyed your life because I cared. honestly I felt so violated and I was hurt for a while after you did that. God you’re honestly the worst person in my life. I deserve so much better. Everyone tells me even my brother to never talk to you because they really don’t like you. I should have listened to them. Good luck to the people that come in contact with you cause you’re exhausting

His response: “it was all a joke😂” & “hahahah”

I’m pissed bc I hate that he gets away with treating me like this. I just want to shoot him in the face with my paintball gun 🙄 I’m obviously not going to do that because I don’t want to get charged with anything but oh it would be nice to just get him back. I let everyone walk all over me and I always shut my mouth bc I don’t wanna deal with drama but I can’t hold it in anymore.