Should I leave before it’s too late ?

Please please help. Well me and this guy have been through ups and downs but the thing is everytime I turn around he’s saying it’s my fault we’re broke or that we don’t have any money . Currently he’s the one that’s been working and not me. Plus I’m pregnant so yes I’ve been depending off him.

I’ve been working to fix our relationship Bc I feel it’s many broken pieces we’re still picking up .. He’s had his share of many woman during our downs and I too but he’s also very disrespectful. He loves calling me b**tches and he is just a one track minder. Our daughters birthday passed and he had nothing but 20 to spend on her at good will and some paper plates and stuff for food.. well now all of a sudden he claims he has no money for rent & how he’s 100 short.

Mind u wen he got paid he claim all he could spend for her was close to twenty so he could still pay rent and that he still had 500 to give our landlord. He went out the other day and I believe got some drugs or something to try and make more money but rent is due today and he’s still 100 short. I can’t do this bs . It isn’t fair to me or my kid . All he keeps sayin is “where we’re u last year”?

But last year we weren’t getting along , we would fight , he kept spitting in my face and so on. Anyways his plan is to just send our landlord 400 dollars when we owe him $550 Bc we only payed him $500 last time n rent is 525. I can’t keep doing this with him and already been in and out of hotels with him and my kid for too long.

My babies about to be here. He keeps saying he doesn’t care , I’m just so lost. We have got into physical fights before but he still wants to be around and try to act like he loves me but the minute I get to try and Lovin him he acts resentful and starts bringing up the past. But when he needs something from me or wants sex it’s a different story .

My life is going down the drain and idk what to do. This man keeps blaming me for why we’re broke and unhappy but that’s definitely not the case, he’s not being responsible for his own actions and I’m running out of options

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