What are my chances of being pregnant?

Three weeks ago I had my period and my boyfriend and I had sex directly after. A week goes by and I get this super light spotting. I figured it was no big deal until the very last day when I had this really vivid dream. I’ve been having them every night since then. Starting Saturday the 29th I’ve been having low back pains, cramps, stomach pain and I slept from 8:30 that night til 3pm on Sunday the 30th. I woke up feeling tired still. On the 30th the low back pain continued as well as the stomach pain and cramps. I was nauseous all day and threw up three times. Now it’s Monday the 1st and I’m still nauseous and with stomach pains and cramps. I took a test and it came up negative. My period isn’t suppose to start til the 5th. Am I testing too early or what?