RSVP for baby shower

So my baby shower is October 13th. I did RSVP on the invitations and today was the last day to let me know. No one has told me anything 🙃. A few that I've talked to/ seen have but none of my husbands family has said anything! I don't have any family here besides my immediate (mom, brothers, stepdad). I only have a few friends here too. SO is it wrong for me to only make enough food, goodie bags for only those that rsvp'd? I mean I DID do that for a reason...I'm throwing it myself and don't want to spend a lot $$ for nothing. you see where I'm coming from? I just feel like people who didn't let me know, are gonna show up and who knows with how many + .. BTW I also reminded everyone on friday and still haven't heard back from them