Unsure if there’s any potential, thoughts?

I recently met him through a friend and we hit it off right away. Its been about two weeks.

I’ve gone out 3 times with him, last time I went out I met his sister and her kids.

We only have each other on Snapchat.

We have held hands and kissed already. Nothing else.

He tried to feel me up but he stopped when I let him know.

We kinda talk off and on, but busy people are like that ig.

He asked me if id like to get snacks from this snack building? Store? Next time we hang out.

My last relationship was abusive so idk if I’m just overthinking. I wouldn’t want to sabotage this. Thoughts? 😅

Update: I NEVER said I was asking him? I’m asking you guys for your thoughts. We are 20.