Birth Story Time!


My son is officially 9 days old! I would have posted sooner but I’ve been adjusting to my life as a new mom :)

Jenson was born at 6:28pm, September 23rd. It started the 22 when I was 40 Weeks 2 days and I had pain all day and had a very watery discharge the night before. I wasn’t going to go to the hospital because the pain went away a bit when I napped but my fiancé forced me to get up and go. And let me tell you I was MAD! I refused to talk to him the whole way because I was 100% positive they where going to send me home and it would be a huge waste of time. This was me the entire time.

I got to the observation room and they came in, hooked up the monitors and did an ultrasound to see what was up. And I was right, my water didn’t break. But I didn’t have enough of it... the doctor said my placenta was getting tired so I was being admitted and induced right then and there!

Now at this point my fiancé had left to take his son to his mothers house because he was causing a disturbance in the hospital, my phone had 2% battery, and the hospital was handing me papers and asking me what my insurance was so they knew where to put me....

Like idk! I can’t get ahold of my mom who’s at the movies right now and knows about my insurance, can’t get ahold of my man, as now I’m being told I’m having my baby now. It all worked out, I got a room, texted my mom “baby, come now” and had them put a catheter in while I was alone to stretch me enough to break my water and I waited. Everyone got back around the same time and I was just hanging out alone, reading wall posters.

Next morning (like 5 am) they broke my water, and the pain started.. BAD

I had an epidural by 11 am and my man refused to watch. Well the doctor got so close to my nerve I wasn’t able to move my right leg for for about 18 hours after that. Anyways I fell asleep all happy until about 4 pm when I woke up and started intense labour. Idk what happened after that but I do remember arguing with the nurse who told me to “stop crying- only babies cry” “stop screaming, that’s a babies job.” And “stop swearing, you’re going to teach him it’s ok to swear.” I LOST MY MIND

“HES MY SON, HES GOING TO BE A SWEARER ANYWAYS! AND UNTIL HES OUT HERE IM GOING TO SCREAM AND CRY ALL I WANT!!” A few hours later it was time to push and after about 12 big pushes, lasting about 20 minutes he was here!! Epidurals don’t take all the pain away btw... I got to hold him and I was a little drugged up and now I had a baby on my eating my boob. I’m so grateful our whole families where there because that was when I almost had the worst day of my life. My son had fluid in his chest, and while he was eating he turned bright purple, and stopped moving. I pointed it out to my family and they told the nurse who FLEW across the room and pulled 2 emergency bells. 17 nurses came flying into the room and that’s when I learned about a code pink. My baby was non responsive for 15 seconds. I felt my heart hit my stomach as they took him away to the NICU. My family left at the same time so I was alone and scared and couldn’t walk.

I fell asleep and woke up to a nurse telling me she was taking my catheter out, but she couldn’t carry me to the bathroom so I’d have to hold it and wait. 2 hours later at shift change I convinced a different nurse to try and she did! What relief that was. I wasnt allowed to see my baby but I was moved to the general ward, while I couldn’t walk and all alone. I was sad and didn’t know what to do but not 3 minutes after I got there they wheeled him in! Said I could have him back, and he wouldn’t need to be back in the NICU!

I was so happy and an hour later my man came back to find us together! We where in the hospital for another 2 days because of my age (20) they wouldn’t let me leave until I saw a social worker who decided not to come and see me... talk about mood swings because I was ready to snap! We had to wait an extra day because of her. But we met finally on the 26th and got to go home at 9am!

It’s been a moody adventure, I turned 21 on the 1st and I’m still working through everything but I’m happy to have my baby home with me ❤️