Is everything going to be okay with us

My boyfriend and I dated for a year and at the end of the summer when he started working and things started getting crazy (he had to save up for a car & pay for college at community) we ended things and decided to stay friends. Before we broke up we texted everyday, morning through night but then when he started working i pushed him away bc i barely saw him (i was so used to seeing him everyday in school to not seeing him at all). Last month we hung out a couple of times and he asked me if we could try things between us again and we set some ground rules 1) to communicate and 2) to not text as often so we’re not talking every second of the day so it’s special when we hangout. Now our relationship i can say is Okay. Im still trying to get used to the way things are now.. not seeing him in HS anymore, him working on weekends. We text but i want to text every second of the day and i want him to tell me when he’s busy and cant text and all these but i dont want him to get annoyed at me. I only see him once a week, 2 times at most. Will i ever adjust to these things? All i have is a negative mindset when it comes to texting because when we broke up over the summer it took a hard hit on me. I just want to know if things will be okay i know i need to communicate but what else should i do to adjust???

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