My Blessing


Jabari decided to make his appearance on yesterday Oct 2, 2018. Started having contractions Monday night/Tuesday morning so they had me come in.. got to the hospital around 2a.m. by 4a.m. I was screaming every 3-5mins from the pain so they admitted and got things started. Got an epidural around 530 broke my water at 10am (6cm dilated). Was at 8/9 cm by 1. Epidural was wearing off and the had to give emergency pain meds from me shaking and hurting so bad. Calmed down and nurse came to check me a little after 3pm and Jabari was already making his way out. His head was coming out and I didnt know so she ran to get the dr. Dr comes waited for the next contraction.. told me to push a little and he popped out with that ONE push. 🙌🏾🙌🏾 Cord was wrapped tightly around his neck FOUR times!! I cried with joy when I got to hold him. My baby was a healthy 7lbs 13.5 oz and 20.5in long. 😍😍