Feeling really alone...


Mainly just a vent since I can't post on FB it'll start a war. Amd it's a long one:: My bf and I have been together for almost 5yrs now. We just found out I'm pregnant on father's day. We weren't trying and honestly didn't want anymore kids, but it happened due to a medication I was taking canceling out my birth control. Anyways I am trying to be excited it happened no sense in crying about it and he is far from it. His kids are 21 & 18. Mine are 13 & 7. He says he raised his and didn't want anymore. I try to shine my light in excitement and he kills my light. I have been doing it all on my own. Prenatal visits, ultrasounds, classes, planning all of it. I'm really hurt and feel like if I'm gonna continue to do it alone I might as well be alone. He doesn't get it. When I try to say something I get I'm being a b****. Like today I have another ultrasound he said he was going to go. Well he was sleeping i asked you gonna sleep all day he said I might as well since my day has been ruined. Really this is just as much as your child as it mine!! I'm lost getting so depressed and hurt so bad. I don't know what to do aside of leaving.