Is this...normal?

So my boyfriend and I have been together about a year. He has a 4 year old son who I absolutely adore and get along with.

Recently he moved and when he was moving, in his garage was a collage of him and his ex, the mother of his child that he was with for about 7 years. He said he would get rid of them if I wanted. - turns out he did not, I found them.

Fast forward to moving day...he’s in the spare bedroom and face down he was putting a picture of him and her in the closet. Then of course I was upset and said...what’s the point of keeping these? He said I want to keep them for his son, because he would have loved to see pictures of HIS parents together back in the day. Which I think is total bullshit.

She just got married and he swears up and down and left and right he has nothing for her and won’t again. It was a rocky 7 years for them, cheating and what not.

I guess I can’t tell if he’s bullshitting? Maybe I don’t understand it because I’m not a parent? My parents weren’t together when they had me, and my dad was never around and passed away when I was 18.

We’ve discussed moving in together and this and that and things go smoothly but I really can’t get over this and I’m not sure how to.

I’m not a mean person, but a part of me is just livid that he’s keeping them because I don’t understand it.