Husband or just provider?


My husband does nothing....and I mean nothing to help me. Yes I'm a stay at home mom and he works but he does absolutely nothing all day. He says hes tired all the time because of how bored he is at work and usually downloads movies to watch while hes there. I'm 18 weeks pregnant with a 2 year old. From 4 am on I am go go go. I have to cook his breakfast and pack his lunch. I exercise after he leaves for a half hour. I get showered and get the baby up. After that it's a typical day. I make meals, clean, go to the park, get groceries, deal with tantrums, clean, cook some more, clean some more, play, play, play. When he gets home he naps and lays on the couch while I still continue on with cooking and cleaning and playing. He never ever helps me do anything ever. Even on his days off. He still lays on that couch and plays on his phone. I already know telling him this will cause an arguement. All he will say is "I'm the one working". I just dont know what to think anymore. I cant take care of him and the two babies. I'm stretched as far as can be now. I need a nap. I'm tired. I need a day off. I need one hour to myself. But I dont ever get it