Pregnancy straining my relationship.

I am 28 weeks and 3 days pregnant now and i also was diagnosed with gestational diabetes.. Lucky that that's the only minor complication ive had. But I have zero sex drive... I did have a yeast infection which I used medicine to treat and it went away but I still have no normal feeling down there :/ i dont know if any of you have this too I feel everything no numbness.. Just no sexual pleasure involved. Its terrible because my fiance has to try not to get in the mood.. Or else I have to have sex without being in the mood at all. Which isnt to good for either of us. Im also always tired like always.... Too tired to go to the store and go out and have beach days anymore... I always want to stay home and rest a lot and he always is bored and wants to go out on his days off but we never agree :( it just sucks feeling like a party pooper all the time... Luckily I have an amazing man and he says he doesnt think im boring and that everything is okay. He still kisses me and baby belly and spends lots of time with me. I just feel this personally.. :( have any of you ladies gone through this and after you had the baby your sex drive and energy went back to normal? Or are any of you ladies going through this right now?