FINALLY SHOWING with my first baby boy!

Kirsten • Wife of 8 years, Mother of two beautiful daughters, first son on the way 😍

I am FINALLY starting to show! After losing a miserable 22 pounds my first 2 months from hyperemesis gravidarum, and from having gastric sleeve surgery causing me not to get near the nutrients I needed to grow baby as healthy as possible, I am happily 8 pounds heavier, on some very powerful sedative puke medicine and happy to be showing. I would see baby bumps left and right starting as early as 14 weeks, and I got devastated. I’m now 24 weeks as of this past Wednesday and finally have a baby bump! I’m so beyond blessed after being told I could not have anymore children and trying to conceive for over a year. After getting the news that we couldn’t have anymore children we were scheduled to meet with a surgeon on May 29th to schedule surgery and remove both of my ovaries at the age of 25. On May 16th after being puking sick for 2 weeks, I decided to test. Of course I expected a big fat negative like I had received for the last year. To my surprise it was positive! So I tested again, 5 more times to be exact! Funny thing was I had an ultrasound the week prior and blood work and a pregnancy test that everything said was nothing more than a humongous cyst on my left ovary, and negative for pregnancy. Boy were they wrong! We’ve struggled in this pregnancy a lot! Complications left and right, and I’ve been on bed rest since 12 weeks, but not only did I get blessed beyond words with a beautiful 3rd child who will have to be my last and who is tiny yet healthy, but even got blessed with having a boy in my world of 2 girls!! ❤️ just wanted to share a baby bump!!!