Do you think Tupac is really dead? See info below before deciding!


Last photo is a morgue photo, so post is marked as TMI.

So Suge Knights son seems like a whacko but he has some valid points... and these picture all look pretty legit. A few days ago he said Tupac is alive and living in Malaysia.

The first 3 were all apparently taken after he was dead. Which if they are real has to be true because g-unit wasn’t a thing until the early 2000’s, Beyoncé doesn’t look like she did back in the 90’s and same with Kanye... who also didn’t become a legit artist until the 2000’s!

The last photo is his morgue photo and there’s a valid argument... why is he wearing a necklace? All of his jewellery would have been removed at the hospital since he was in critical condition for 6 days before “he died”! Even if they didn’t remove it, it would have been removed before they started the autopsy!

Is he alive or dead?

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