Well ladies...Anybody have regular periods without ovulating/ insulin resistance PCOS but took Myo/inositol to conceive?


After reading that VITEX wasn’t good for insulin resistance PCOS, I just stop taking it altogether after 3 weeks...Now I’m giving my body time to cleanse itself. AF is due is 3 days and I’m super tired and an emotional wreck, crying for anything... I’m a fighter and I just don’t wanna lose hope in TTC. So when af goes off this cycle I’m gonna go and get MYO-inositol and just continue with my herbal tea. Hopefully that gets me ovulating and preggo soon. I’m just so sad right now and can’t stop crying. This has never been a pms symptom for me so I figure it’s because I just quit the VITEX which kept me so calm. Anybody have regular periods but don’t ovulate with insulin resistance PCOS and took Myo inositol to get preggo. What did it do for you?