Question about post meal numbers


I’m hungry

When I actually have a ONE SERVING size meal my numbers are over — 130 range. Dr. Wants me under 120 at 2hr. Out of 8 dinners 4 have been over. None of the dinners were full of bread and pasta. Very balanced normal sized dinners.

So... What are they going to do? Pills? Shots? My fasting, breakfast and lunch are fine. But I’m sorry at dinner I’m not eating a damn egg. I had a HALF of a piece of chicken parm tonight and was 133. Obviously I’m not processing food properly. Ok I accept it. I’m not starving myself anymore. I have gained less than 6 pounds this whole pregnancy and lost two pounds since this diagnosis last week. I’m over it and I’m hungry. Bring on the meds. So what’s the next step?