Awaiting reaults


I failed my one hour test by 20 points (cut off was 135). So Friday I took the three hour test. I'm only 18 weeks but I had been feeling so bad and after being seen in the ER and a cardiologist I figured what the hell ask and see if she'll do it early. I tend to have large babies (8lbs 11oz, 9lbs 11oz and 9lbs 4.5oz) and am usually really close to failing my one hour though I never have before.

They send all the blood to the lab for testing (which is the numbers they use for diagnostic purpose) but test it on their meter in office. My fasting was 87 (cut off 90) , one hour was 170 (cut off 180), two hours 69 and three hours was 72. Now the first two were right under the cut off but those last two have me a bit worried.

Can you fail for having low numbers? When I left I got about three minutes down the road stopped at the nearest food place and ate but was starting to feel shaky and my head was hurting and really just down right awful. About ten minutes into eating I started to feel better.

I should know my results likely by Tue hopefully. I don't like all this waiting.