Really need advice

So the past 3weeks I have been sleeping with someone at first it was very unexpected as we hung out in the same friendship group, so basically we'd hang around up the pub with our mates then go round another friends house where sometimes we would have sex 6times in one night we both agreed it was just fun but recently there's things he's saying such as if I was to get pregnant he'd stand by me, that he felt so comfortable with me and that it feels natural, when we're out he'd kiss me when we're round our friends house he'll kiss me even in front of my friends, we would sit and talk have a laugh then I made the stupid mistake of sleeping with someone else and he seemed annoyed by that stupidly after that I realised I actually have feelings for him but the next day stayed round someone other females but they didn't have sex, he'd text me saying he's in our spot and it doesn't feel the same without me, then the other night we literally just slept together no sex he was cuddling me and kissing my back when we spooned we have this connection that I never had even with my ex, he's recently lost his job down where I live so he's gone back home and now I don't know when I'll see him again there's a 14year age gap I'm 22 he's 36 I don't know whether to just move on or tell him how I feel but I'm scared of the rejection, I asked him if he had slept with this girl he stayed with the other night and all I got was no I did not thank you, and that's it he's ignoring all my messages since literally feel like I fucked up