My birthday is always disappointing.

Does anyone else just never have a good birthday? I have spent several of mine totally alone before. I have a boyfriend who I have been with for over 2 years now, but even now it still feels “lackluster”. I only have a couple of friends and they have yet to say anything to me.

Even my girlfriends at work forgot my birthday. One girl at work left and came back with a balloon and was like “I’m not gonna lie I kind of forgot”...

Like why would you even say that? I mean, I could tell when I walked in and you didn’t say anything, but that just makes it worse. All of my other “friends” at work forgot too. I just hate that I go out of my way to do nice things for these people on regular days, and then they forget my BIRTHDAY. I am 28 today so I hate that I still feel this way about birthdays, but people are just so disappointing to me. Maybe I just expect too much, but I would never forget a friends birthday and I try to make these things extra special.

I always end up feeling very sad on my birthday 😔