Anyone else holding back on announcing?

Tash • Round 3 here I come. 👶🏼💛✨Due, Feb 2024 Already a Mama to 6yr old Jacob & 4yr old Evie. 💙💗

I'm 17 weeks today and I still don't feel ready to announce to the world about my bundle of joy. I've told family and close friends but the world of Facebook and Instagram are still clueless. I announced when I was 16 weeks with my first but this time I want to hold on to my beautiful secret just a little longer. Friends keep asking when I'm going to announce and the truth is I don't know, could be next week, could be at 30 weeks, could be when my baby girl is here. I don't know.

I'm just so confused as to when to do it, also I do have slight anxiety but I'm not sure why.

Is anyone else holding back on announcing?? Please tell me I'm not the only one 🙈🤰🏻💗